September 26, 2010


_around 3o'clock.
_he called me.
_just a normal and simple talk.
_out of the blue,he wanted to ask me "soalan cepumas".
_a : ila anggap amir ni spe ea
_f : diam jap.malu2.takut2.someone special,boyfriend.jujurnya! *i know he knows my answer. :p
_a : btol ea..
_f : em2,amir lak?
_a : sama la..macam girlfriend amir.
_uhuk2.nasib baik.lama gak kena pk b4 jawab soalan tu,nt malu la.but i can feel that he has the same feeling!hik2.
_he said something very sweet to take me as her special gf! rahsia laa..ehehe
_i love it because you said it straight forward to me.baru nampak u r very serious.
_xsuka via sms!
_officially become his teman wanita istimewa.acewah!

fadila love u so much amir hafizudin shahidin.

*will u marry me??haha.main2.


lurunharima said...
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lurunharima said...

wah.. bahagianya dia.. hihi
semoga terus berbahagia hingga akhir usia :)
may Allah bless u :)

iela_fadila alias said...

thanks miera..
may Allah bless u too dear! :))